Importance of It Security Awareness Training for Employees
The Importance & Benefits of It Security Awareness Training for Employees: Even if you implement every corporate data security tip in the book, if your staff aren't aware of security best practices, your firm is still vulnerable to serious breaches. Employee negligence, employee malice, and employee mobility are three of the top threats to data network security, implying that humans are still at the heart of corporate network security. This is why IT security awareness training is crucial. How Human Error Can Lead to Major Data Security Headaches Hackers attempting to breach your firewalls are not the only source of data security dangers. All the firewalls in the world won't protect a computer from an employee who leaves it logged in with the door to their office open wide. Passwords, private company details, business operating methods, and even business account information might all be stolen if a potential attacker simply walks in and installs a key logger or copi...