The Need To Provide Medicare Training Courses To Employees

It has been estimated in 2018 that annual Medicare costs exceeded $3.35 trillion and losses due to fraud and abuse reached $300 Billion. Healthcare fraud is a costly affair. Every year billions of dollars are wasted due to healthcare fraud. Medicare training programs have been initiated to make aware people of all the practices of fraud and abuse. It does not make any difference whether a person has employer-sponsored health insurance or his own health insurance policy, healthcare fraud and abuse culminates in higher premiums and out-of-pocket expenses for customers, along with reduced benefits and coverage. From the perspective of employers, healthcare fraud and abuse escalate the cost of providing insurance benefits to employees and the overall cost of running the business. With medicare training courses, employees can learn to recognize the most recurrent forms of abuse and fraud including physician self-referrals (stark law), kickbacks, and false claims. It is extre...